NOVA WorkFlow is an inNOVAtive workflow designing framework,developed here at CLI,StFX,NOVA Scotia,Canada.
NOVA, meaning "new" in Latin, summarizes the four important features of our framework:
- compeNsable We incorporate the important concept of "compensable transactions" into workflow modeling and develop a new modeling language called Compensable Workflow Modeling Language (CWML), for which we provide a graphical editor as an Eclipse plug-in.
- Ontology-driven An Ontology, structured and reliable, is the knowledge base driving the execution of our workflow engine.
- Verifiable Given a model in CWML, the framework automatically generates input models for popular model checkers including DiVinE and SMV. Properties to be verified can be directly specified using information in the CWML model.
- Adaptive Developed using the popular Spring + Hibernate architecture, tools and engines in NOVA WorkFlow are highly adaptive to different OS platforms, databases and application servers.