Research Publications

(a) Articles in Refereed Publications


  • A. Hussain and W. MacCaull: Context aware service discovery and service enabled workflow. The 4th Canadian Semantic Web Symposium (CSWS 2013). Accepted.
  • A. Rutle, F. Rabbi, W. MacCaull, Y. Lamo and X. Wang: User-Friendly Model Checking of Health Care Workflows. The 3rd International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare. Accepted.
  • J. Faddoul and W. MacCaull:Parallelizing Algebraic Reasoning for the Description Logic SHOQ. The 4th Canadian Semantic Web Symposium (CSWS 2013). Accepted.
  • F. Rabbi, W. MacCaull and R. U. Faruqui:A scalable ontology reasoner via incremental materialization and its application in a workflow management system. The 26th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2013). Accepted.
  • F. Rabbi and W. MacCaull: T-Square: A Domain Specific Language for Rapid Workflow Development. ACM/IEEE 15th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages & Systems (MODELS 2012), Innsbruck, Austria (September, 2012). Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7590. pp. 36-52.
  • R. U. Faruqui and W. MacCaull: OwlOntDB: A Scalable Reasoning System for OWL 2 RL Ontologies, in Proc: FHIES 2012: International Symposium on Foundations of Health Information Engineering and Systems pp. 129-144; revised version to appear Springer LNCS vol. 7789.
  • M. Z. Islam and W. MacCaull: A One-Pass Tableau-Based Workflow Verification Framework. In Proceedings of The Third Workshop on Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning. PAAR-12 associated with the 6th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR-2012), Manchester, UK, pp. 58-71.
  • A. Rutle, H. Wang and W. MacCaull: A Formal Diagrammatic Approach to Compensable Workflow Modelling, in Proc: FHIES 2012, pp 81-96; revised version to appear Springer LNCS vol. 7789.
  • A. Rutle, H. Wang, W. MacCaull and Y. Lamo.: A Metamodelling Approach to Workflow Modelling. The 4th Workshop on Behavioural Modelling: Foundations and Applications (BM-FA 2012), in the 8th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA 2012), Denmark, ACM. (July, 2012). to apprear.
  • F. Rabbi, W. MacCaull: Model Driven Workflow Development with T-Square. The 10th International Workshop on System/Software Architectures (IWSSA 2012), Gdan'sk, Poland (June, 2012). Proceedings, LNBIP, Volume 112, pp. 265-279.
  • H. Wang, A. Rutle, W. MacCaull. A Formal Diagrammatic Approach to Timed Workflow Modelling. The 6th IEEE International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE 2012), Beijing, China, IEEE CS. (July, 2012). IEEE CS, pp. 167-174.
  • Y. Lamo, X. Wang, F. Mantz, W. MacCaull and A. Rutle: DPF Editor: A Dynamic Diagrammatic (Meta)Modelling Environment. In the Special Session on Model Based Software Engineering (SSMBSE2012) which will be held in conjunction with ICIS'12, Shanghai (May, 2012). Studies in Computational Intelligence, Volume 429, pp. 37-52, Springer 2012.
  • F. Rabbi, H. Wang, W. MacCaull, A. Rutle: A Model Slicing Method for Workflow Verification. The 9th International Workshop on Formal Engineering approaches to Software Components and Architectures (FESCA), Satellite event of ETAPS, Tallinn, Estonia (March, 2012). to appear in ENTCS.
  • A. Rakib, R. U. Faruqui, W. MacCaull: Verifying resource requirements for ontology driven rule-based agents. The 7th International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (FoIKS), Kiel, Germany (March, 2012) . Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7153. pp. 312-331; extended version submitted: J. Logic and Algebraic Prog.
  • C. Kuziemsky, H. Jewers, B. Appleby, N. Foshay, W. MacCaull, K. Miller and M. Macdonald:Information technology and hospice palliative care: social, cultural, ethical and technical implications in a rural setting. Journal of Informatics for Health and Social Care, 2011 pp. 37-50.
  • W. MacCaull and F. Rabbi:NOVA Workflow: A Workflow Management Tool Targeting Health Services Delivery. In the Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Foundations of Health Information Engineering and Systems (FHIES 2011), Johannesburg, South Africa, (September 2011) pp. 74-91. revised version published in LNCS 2012, Volume 7151, pp. 75-92.
  • F. Rabbi, A. Mashiyat and W. MacCaull:Model checking workflow monitors and its application to a pain management process.In the Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Foundations of Health Information Engineering and Systems (FHIES 2011), Johannesburg, South Africa, (September 2011) pp. 110-127. revised version published in LNCS 2012, Volume 7151, pp. 111-128.
  • C. Cocos, W. MacCaull and F. Imam: Ontology Merging and Reasoning Using Paraconsistent Logics. In the International Journal of Knowledge Based Organizations (IJKBO- Special Issue on best papers of ProHealth workshops). Volume 2. pp. 35-51.
  • N. Leyla and W. MacCaull,A Personalized Access Control Framework for Workflow-based Healthcare Information. In the 4th International Workshop on Process-oriented Information Systems in Healthcare (ProHealth 2011), Clermont-Ferrand, France. Proceedings, LNBPM Volume 100, pp. 273-284.
  • A. S. Mashiyat, F. Rabbi, W. MacCaull: Modeling and Verifying Timed Compensable Workflows and an Application to Health Care. In the 16th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical System (FMICS 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2011), Volume 6959. pp. 244-259.
  • J.Ruan, W.MacCaull, and H. Jewers, Agent-based Careflow and Monitoring for Patient-centered Palliative Care, 6th Workshop on Agents Applied in Health Care A2HC, Casablanca, Morocco, held in conjunction with eHealth 2010 International Conference, (December 2010), Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Science, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (2010), Volume 69. pp. 285-294.
  • K.Miller and W.MacCaull, Model checking timed properties of healthcare processes, Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice, (June 2011), Volume 23, Issue 4, pp. 245-260.
  • W.MacCaull, H.Jewers and M. Latzel, Using an Interdisciplinary Approach to Develop a Knowledge-driven Careflow Management System for Collaborative Patient-centred Palliative Care, ACM IHI'10  Proceedings of 1st ACM International Conference on Health Informatics (November 2010), pp. 507-511.
  • F. Rabbi, H. Wang and W. MacCaull, Compensable WorkFlow Nets. Formal Methods and Software Engineering,12th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, (ICFEM 2010), Shanghai, China, November 17-19, 2010. Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6447, (2010), pp. 122-137.
  • N. Leyla, A. S. Mashiyat, H. Wang and W. MacCaull, Towards Workflow Verification. In the proceedings of 20th International Conference of the IBM Center for advanced Studies on Collaborative Research (CASCON 2010), pp. 253-267.
  • A. S. Mashiyat, F. Rabbi, H. Wang, and W. MacCaull, An Automated Translator for Model Checking Time Constrained Workflow Systems, In the 15th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS 2010), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2010), Volume 6371. pp. 99-114.
  • C. Cocos, W. MacCaull, B. Kramer and M. Latzel: Ontology Based Approach to Decision Support for Healthcare Workflows, to appear Semantic Web J., issue: Real World Applications of OWL.
  • C. Cocos and W.MacCaull,An Ontological Implementation of a Role-Based Access Control Policy for Health Care Information, in proceedings of 2nd Workshop of Ontologies in Biomedicine and Life Sciences,  IMISE-REPORT Nr. 2/2010 (September 2010), pp. 13-17.
  • J. Ruan and W. MacCaull, Data-Aware Monitoring For Healthcare Workflows Using Formal Methods. In Proceedings of The Second Workshop Knowledge Representation for Health Care (KR4HC-2010),Lisbon, Portugal, (August 2010) ECAI 2010 Workshops, pp. 51-60.
  • J. Ruan, W. MacCaull and H. Jewers, Enhancing Patient-centered Palliative Care With Collaborative Agents. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology - Workshops (the Second International Workshop on Collaborative Agents REsearch and Development), Toronto, Canada, (2010), pp. 356-360
  • F. Rabbi, H. Wang and W. MacCaull, YAWL2DVE An Automated Translator for Workflow Verification, InProceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Secure Software Integration and Reliability Improvement, Singapore, (2010), pp. 53-59.
  • C. Cocos and W.MacCaullOntology Development with 4-valued Implication Connectives, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Non Monotonic Reasoning, Toronto (2010).
  • H. Wang and W. MacCaullAn Efficient Explicit-time Description Method for Timed Model Checking, 8th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Methods in verifiCation (PDMC 2009), Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November, 2009. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 14, (2009), pp. 77-91.
  • H. Wang and W. MacCaullVerifying Real-Time Systems using Explicit-time Description Methods, Workshop on Quantitative Formal Methods: Theory and Applications, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 2009. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 13, (2009), pp. 67-79.
  • K. Miller and W. MacCaull. Toward Web-based Careflow Management Systems, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence (JETWI) Special Issue: E-health Interoperability, C.Kuziemsky, N. Archer, L. Peyton Eds. V. 1, No. 2 (2009) pp. 137-145.
  • K. Miller and W. MacCaullVerification of Careflow Management Systems with Timed BDICTL Logic. 3rd International Workshop on Process-oriented Information Systems in Healthcare, (September 2009), In Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Springer 2010 Part 7, Vol. 43, pp. 623-634.
  • F. Imam, and W. MacCaullIntegrating Healthcare Ontologies: An Inconsistency Tolerant Approach and Case Study, Business Process Management Workshops, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, V. 17 (2009) 373-384.
  • J. Dallien, W. MacCaull, and A. TienInitial Work in the Design and Development of Verifiable Workflow Management Systems and Some Applications to Health Care, Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software, Co-located with ETAPS 2008 (2008) 78-91.
  • F. Imam, W. MacCaull and M. KennedyMerging Healthcare Ontologies: Inconsistency and Implementation Issues, Proceedings of CBMS07, the International Conference on Computer Based Medical Systems (2007) 530-536.
  • I. Duentsch, W. MacCaull, D. Vakarelov and M. WinterDistributive Contact Lattices: Topological Representations, Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming. V. 76, Issue 1: Relations and Kleene Algebras in Computer Science (May-June 2008) 18-34.
  • W. MacCaull and E. Orlowska, A logic of typed relations and its applications to relational databases, Journal of Logic and Computation, V. 16 (2006) 789-815.
  • I. Duentsch, W. MacCaull, D. Vakarelov & M.Winter, Topological Representation of Contact Lattices, Lecture Notes in Comp Sci, V. 4136 (2006) 135-147.
  • J. Dallien and W. MacCaull, Automated Recognition of Stutter-Invariant LTL Formulas, Atlantic Electronic J. of Mathematics, V. 1 (2006) 56-74.
  • W. MacCaull and D. Vakarelov, Lattice-based Paraconsistent Logic, Lecture Notes in Comp Sci, V. 3929 (2006) 173-187.
  • W. MacCaull and E. OrlowskaA Calculus of Typed Relations, in: Relational and Kleene Algebraic Methods in Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Comp Sci, V. 3051 (2004) 191-201.
  • M. Chechik and W. MacCaullCTL Model-checking over Logics with Non-classical Negations, Proc: 33rd International Sym. On Multiple-Valued Logic, Tokyo, (2003) 293-300.
  • W. MacCaull and E. OrlowskaCorrespondence Results for Relational Proof Systems with Application to the Lambek Calculus, Studia Logica, V. 71 (2002) 279-304.
  • H. Okuma, W. MacCaull and Y. Kawahara, Informational Representability for Contexts in Dedekind Categories, Bulletin of Informatics and Cybernetics, V. 34 (2002) 1-12.
  • W. MacCaull, A Tableaux Procedure for the Implication Problem for Association Rules, in: Relational Models for Computer Science Applications, eds: E. Orlowska and A. Szalas,, Springer-Physica Verlag (2001) 77-95.
  • G. Allwein and W. MacCaullKripke semantics for the Logic of Gelfand Quantales, Studia Logica, V. 61 (2001) 1-56.
  • W.MacCaull, Proof theory for generalized dependencies for information relations, Fundamenta Informaticae, V. 42 (2000) 1-27.
  • I.Duntsch, W.MacCaull, and E.Orlowska, Structures with many-valued information and their relational proof theory, Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Symposium on Multi-Valued Logic, Portland, Oregon, IEEE Computer Science Press, (2000) 83-91.
  • W.MacCaull, Relational tableaux for tree models, language models and information networks, in: Logic at Work: Essays Dedicated to the Memory of Helena Rasiowa, editor, Ewa Orlowska, Springer-Physica-Verlag, (1999) 354-382.
  • W.MacCaull, Relational semantics and a relational proof theory for full Lambek calculus, Journal of Symbolic Logic, V. 63 (1998) 623-637.
  • W.MacCaull, Relational proof theory for linear and other substructural logics, Journal of the Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logic, V. 5 (1997) 673-697.
  • W.MacCaull and G.Dueck, Procedure for finding matrix models for substructural logics, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic, V. 2 (1997) 305-321.
  • W.MacCaull, Relational proof theory for FL, linear and other substructural logics, contributed paper: WoLLIC'96 3rd Annual Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation, Salvador, Brazil, May 1996. Extended Abstract: Journal of the Interest Group on Pure and Applied Logic V. 4 (1996) 510-511.
  • W.MacCaull, Tableaux method for residuated logic, Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, V. 80 (1996) 327-337.
  • W.MacCaull, Kripke semantics for logic with BCK implication, Bulletin of the Section of Logic, V. 25 (1996) 41-51.
  • W.MacCaull, A note on Kripke semantics for residuated logic, Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, V. 77 (1996) 229-234.
  • G.W.Dueck and W.MacCaull, An efficient search for residuated algebras, Proceedings of SCCC95, Sociedad de Chilena de Ciencia de la Computacion (1995) 270-274, copywrite, SCCC, Chile.
  • W.MacCaull, Finite algebraic models for residuated logic, Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Bloomington, Indiana, IEEE Computer Science Press (1995) 206-213.
  • W.MacCaull, A Categorical Approach to Fuzzy Relational Database Theory, in: Applications of Category Theory to Fuzzy Subsets, edited by S.E.Rodabaugh, et al., Kluwer Academic Publishers (1991) 307-324.
  • W.MacCaull, Categorical aspects of fuzzy relational database theory, Invited paper for the 11th International Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory, Linz, Austria, 1989; Extended Abstract in Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, (1990).
  • W.MacCaull, Positive definite functions over regular f-rings and representations as sums of squares, Journal of Pure and Applied Logic, V. 44 (1989) 243-257.
  • W.MacCaull, Hilbert's Nullstellensatz revisited, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, V. 54 (1988) 289-297.
  • W.MacCaull, On the validity of Hilbert's Nullstellensatz, Artin's theorem and related results in Grothendieck toposes, Journal of Symbolic Logic, V. 53 (1988) 1177-1187.
  • W.MacCaull and T.Platt, Diel variations in the photosynthetic parameters of coastal marine phytoplankton, Journal of Limnology and Oceanography, V. 22 (1977) 723-731.

(b) Other Refereed Contributions

Edited books

  • W. MacCaull, I. Duentsch and M. Winter, eds, RelMiCS 8; Relational Methods in Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, V. 3929, Springer (2006).
  • J. Desharnais, M. Frappier, and W. MacCaull, eds, Relational Methods in Computer Science: The Quebec Seminar, Methodos-Verlag (2002).
  • J. Desharnais, M. Frappier, A. Jaoua and W. MacCaull, eds, Information Sciences, V. 193 (2001).