- H. Jewers, W. MacCaull and R. Embree: Towards Standardization of a Minimum Data Set for Collaborative Patient-Centred Hospice Palliative Care,19th International Congress on Palliative Care to be held in the October 2012, Montreal Quebec, Canada
- W. MacCaull, F. Rabbi and R. U. Faruqui: Next Generation Workflow and Data Management Tools with Application to Health Services Delivery, National Research Council, Fredericton, 2012.
- R. U. Faruqui and W. MacCaull, Scalable Reasoning over OWL 2 RL Ontologies. 4th Atlantic Workshop on Semantics and Services (AWoSS 2012) May 04, 2012, Halifax, NS, Canada.
- W. MacCaull, Science into Software, Next Generation Tools for Information Communication and Process Management, Grand Rounds: St Martha's Hospital, Antigonish, 2011.
- F. Rabbi, W. MacCaull, Workflow Management for Health Care Processes Meets Formal Verification, Workshop Slide Presentation, Software Certification Consortium: Certification Methods for Safety-Critical Software, CASCON 2010, Toronto, ON (Nov 2010)
- H. Jewers, C. Kuziemsky, W. MacCaull, B. Appleby, Neal Foshay, K. Miller, Technology and Palliative Care: Social, Cultural and Ethical Implications in a Rural setting, Poster Presentation, International Congress on Palliative Care, Montreal, (October 2010).
- M. Z. Islam and W. MacCaull, A framework for automated verification of workflow using timed temporal logic in a distributed memory enviornment, APICS Math/CS Conference, Graduate Session, Halifax (2010).
- A. S. Mashiyat and W. MacCaull, Verifying Time Constrained Workflow, Poster Presentation, MITACS / CORS 2010 Annual Conference, Shaw Conference Centre, Edmonton, Alberta (2010).
- H. Jewers, C. Kuziemsky, W. MacCaull, J. Norgrove, K. Miller, Towards a Hospice Palliative Care Minimum Data Set: Clinical, Research, and Policy Implications. Proffered presentation, Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association Conference, (October 2009).
- J. MacIsaac and W. MacCaull, Creating a Seamless, Integrated Continuum of Care For Our Senior Population through Careflow , Poster Presentation, 15th Qualitative Health Research Conference, Vancouver, (2009).
- N. Leyla, A. Mashiyat, H. Wang and W. MacCaull. Workflow Verification with DiVinE, Work-in-progress Report, 8th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Methods in verifiCation (PDMC), Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November (2009).
- A. Mashiyat and W. MacCaull, An Automated Translator from Petri Nets to Model Checkers, APICS Math/CS Conference, Graduate Session, Halifax (2009). Best Graduate Poster (Second Place)
- N. Leyla and W. MacCaull, Pattern Based Workflow Verification in a Distributed Environment, APICS Math/CS Conference, Graduate Session, Halifax (2009).
- R. Embree and W. MacCaull, A Primer on the Role of Logic in Enhancing Health Care Processes, APICS Math/CS Conference, Undergraduate Session, Halifax (2009).
- K. Miller and W. MacCaull. Next Generation Careflow Management Systems, MITACS 2009 Annual Conference (Poster Presentation), New Brunswick (June 2009).
- K. Miller and W. MacCaull. Toward Careflow Management Systems, Workshop on E-Health: Towards System Interoperability through Process Integration and Performance Management, held in conjunction with 4th International Montreal Conference on e-Technologies (MCeTech 2009), Ottawa (May 2009).
- H. Jewers, N. Foshay, W. MacCaull, J. Norgrove, and K. Miller. Involving Palliative Care Team Members in Designing Information Technology for Assessment, Communication, and Information Management for Patient-Centered Palliative Care, International Symposium on the Terminally Ill (2008).
- C.Stewart, W.MacCaull L.MacDonald, K.Saulnier, S.Atkinson, M.Gorman, Secondary Stroke Prevention through evidenced based TIA protocol, Annual Nova Scotia Conference on Heart and Stroke, 2008.
- H. Jewers, W. MacCaull, B. Appleby, L. Hallstrom, M. MacDonald, A. Tien, Patient Centred Workflow for Hospice Palliative Care in GASHA, Poster Presentation, Nova Scotia Association for Hospice Palliative Care Association Annual Meeting, May 2007.
- H.Wang, Towards Distributed Model Checking of Real-time Systems, Presentation to the Math and Computer Science Seminar StFX (March 2009).
- W. MacCaull, Formal Methods Meets Clinical Guidelines, Dalhousie U. (January 2009).
- W. MacCaull, New Directions in Mathematical Research II 2 Years Later, CMS/Fields Conference on Connecting Women in Mathematics Across Canada, Ottawa (2008).
- W. MacCaull, Formal Method Meets Health Care, McMaster U. (November 2008).
- CLI, An Analysis of the Current Workflow Characteristics of Palliative Care in GASHA, StFX Business Information Systems, Supervised by N. Foshay, Report presented to GASHA (April 2008).
- H. Wang, Toward Fairness in Electronic Exchange, A Presentation to the Math and Computer Science Seminar (March 2008).
- W. MacCaull, Recent Research Initiatives in Health Informatics at the StFX Centre for Logic and Information, Dalhousie U. (November 2007).
- W. MacCaull, New Directions in Mathematical Research, CMS/Fields Conference on Connecting Women in Mathematics Across Canada, Toronto (2006).
- W. MacCaull, Models for Paraconsistency, International Conference in Preservationism and Paraconsistency, Halifax (2006).
- J. Dallien, W. MacCaull and A. Tien, Verification of Dynamic Workflow for Health Care, FM06 - International Conference on Formal Methods, (Poster Presentation) (2006).
- H. Jewers & W. MacCaull, Modeling the CHPCA Model for Hospice Palliative Care - A Careflow Approach, Intern’l Sym. on the Terminally Ill, (Poster Presentation) Montreal (2006).
- K. Miller and W. MacCaull, Verification of Agent-based Systems, APICS Math/CS Conference, Graduate Session, Sydney (2006).
- F. Imam and W. MacCaull, Merging Ontologies using Paraconsistent Logics, APICS Math/CS Graduate Session, Sydney (2006).
- H. MacCallum and W. MacCaull, Bilattices and Paraconsistency, APICS Math/CS Conference, Undergraduate Session Acadia (2005).
- W. MacCaull, Reaching Out to Industry, StFX Research and Development Forum: Connecting Industry and University Research (2005).
- J. Dallien & W. MacCaull, Automated Theorem Proving with RelDT, Relation Day at Brock U. (2005).
- W. MacCaull, A Calculus of Typed Relations, Proc., 7th International Seminar for Relational Methods in Computer Science, (RelMiCS 7) Germany (2003) 1-8.
- J. Dallien and W. MacCaull, The Model Checker Spin, APICS Math/CS Conference Undergraduate Session, Halifax (2003).
- W. MacCaull (and E. Orlowska), Relational resolution, in: Theory and Applications of Multiple-Valued Logic, Proc. Workshop for 31st IEEE Sym. on Multiple-Valued Logic (2001) pp 53-57.
- R. Little, W. MacCaull, and B. Spencer, Automated Reasoning for Algebras of Binary Relations, APICS Math/Comp Sci Conference Proceedings (October 2001) 1-8.