- F. Rabbi, Design, Development and Verification of a Compensable Workflow Modeling Language, StFX MSc, expected 2011
- N. Leyla, A Personalized Access Control Framework for Workflow-based Healthcare Information, StFX MSc, 2011
- A. Mashiyat, Distributed Verification of Time Constrained Workflows, StFX MSc, 2011
- K. Miller, Timed CTL-BDI Verification of Ontology Driven Workflow in a Shared Memory Environment, StFX MSc, 2010
- K. MacNeil, Evaluating and Extending Compensable Transaction Composition, StFX Honours Comp Sci, May 2009
- F. Imam, An Inconsistency Tolerant Approach to Ontology Merging, StFX MSc, 2008
- J. Dallien, Workflow Verification for Health Care, StFX MSc, 2007
- Alicia Mills, Logic and the Cantor Set, StFX Honours Math, 2007
- Nike Fluegg, Hybrid Systems and Verification, StFX Honours Math, 2007
- Holly MacCallum, Paraconsistency and Bilattices, StFX Honours Math, 2006
- Keith Miller, Tableau verification of Lamport’s TLA, StFX Honours Comp Sci, 2006
- Jeff Dallien, Automated Recognition of Stutter Invariant LTL Formulas, StFX Honours Comp Sci, 2004.
- R. Embree, Ontology Development: Palliative Care and Access Control Ontologies, 2010
- M. Graham, Model Checking the Palliative Care Process, 2010
- J. Crawford, Contributions to the Senior Health and Palliative Care Research Projects, 2009
- R. Embree, A primer on central issues, at the Centre for Logic and Information, 2009
- R. Garbary, Dynamic Belief Revision (Abstract), 2008
- K. Miller, and W. MacCaull, Modeling and Automated Verification of Healthcare Processes, Centre for Logic and Information (Technical Report), CLI-TR 1-2008
- K. Miller, W. MacCaull and T. Swift, Modeling and Verifying the TMZ protocol with Timed Automata, StFX Report, 2008
- F. Imam & W. MacCaull, A Web-based Protocol for a Parallelized Version of the Opinion Leaders Algorithm, StFX Tech Report.
- J. Dallien and W. MacCaull, RelDT – A General Purpose Dual Tableaux Style Theorem Prover,
- G. Lee, R. Little, W. MacCaull, and B. Spencer, ReVAT: Relational Validator via Analytic Tableaux, StFX Tech Report, 2002 – documentation of prolog automated theorem prover.