Reading Group
Once a week members from the StFX Center for Logic and Information gather to read journal articles pertaining to one or more research topics. These reading groups open up a new forum for regular discussion about current and future work.
Read Articles:
- Anbulagan and John Slaney, Multiple Preprocessing for Systematic SAT Solvers, Proceedings of The 6th International Workshop on the Implementation of Logics, Vol-212.
- Francis Gasse and Volker Haarslev, Expressive Description Logics via SAT:The Story so Far, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
- Massimo Ruffolo, Rosario Curia, and Lorenzo Gallucci,Process Management in Health Care: A System for Preventing Risks and Medical Error, Springer, Business Process Management Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2005), Volume 3649/2005, pp. 334-343
- Eunkyoung Jee, Insup Lee, and Oleg Sokolsky,Assurance Cases in Model-Driven Development of the Pacemaker Software, Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification, and Validation, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2010) Volume 6416/2010, pp. 343-356.
- Jyotishman Pathak, Thomas M. Johnson and Christopher G. Chute, Survey of modular ontology techniques and their applications in the biomedical domain, Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 16 (2009), IOS Press, pp. 1-31.
- Khair Eddin Sabri and Ridha Khedri, Algebraic Framework for the Specification and Analysis of Cryptographic-key Distribution, Fundamenta Informaticae XX Journal, IOS Press, (2010), pp. 1-31.
- Jeremy W. Bryans and Wei Wei,Formal Analysis of BPMN Models Using Event-B, Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2010), Volume 6371, pp. 33-49.
- Anaheed Ayoub, Ayman Wahba, Ashraf Salem, Mohamed Taher and Mohamed Sheirah, Automatic Code Generation from Verified Timed Automata Model, IADIS International Conference Applied Computing (November 2009)
- Anaheed Ayoub, Ayman Wahba and Mohamed Sheirah, B Based Verification for Real Time Systems, PreProceedings AVoCS'09(September 2009), pp. 225-228.
- Anaheed Ayoub, Ayman Wahba, Mohamed Sheirah, Mapping Timed Automata to B, Design and Test Workshop, 2008. IDT 2008. 3rd International (December 2008)
- Tobias Mathäß, Peter Haase, Hiroaki Kitano, Luca Toldo, SBML2SMW: bridging System Biology with semantic web technologies for biomedical knowledge acquisition and hypothesis elicitation, 2nd Workshop Proceedings OBML, IMISE-REPORT Nr. 2/2010 (September 2010), pp. 9-12.
- Niels Grewe, A generic Reification Strategy for n-ary Relations in DL, 2nd Workshop Proceedings OBML, IMISE-REPORT Nr. 2/2010 (September 2010), pp. 73-77.
- Wil van der Aalst, Kees van Hee,Workflow Management: Models, Methods, and Systems (Cooperative Information Systems), (01 March 2004)
- Edmund Clarke, Ansgar Fehnker, Sumit K. Jha, Helmut Veith, Temporal Logic Model Checking,Handbook of Networked and Embedded Control Systems (2005), pp. 539-558.
- Thomas Henzinger, Zohar Manna, Amir Pnueli, What good are digital clocks?, Automata, Languages and Programming (1992), pp. 545-558.
- N. A. Mulyar, M. H. Schonenberg, Mans, van der Aalst,Towards a Taxonomy of Process Flexibility (Extended Version), In BPM Center Report BPM-07-11 (2007)
- Shikun Zhou, Hussein Zedan, Antonio Cau, Run-time analysis of time-critical systems, Journal of Systems Architecture, Vol. 51, No. 5. (May 2005), pp. 331-345.
- Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, Manfred Reichert, Barbara Weber,On the Formal Semantics of Change Patterns in Process-Aware Information Systems, Conceptual Modeling - ER 2008 (2008), pp. 279-293.
- Astrid Rakow,Decompositional Petri Net Reductions, Integrated Formal Methods (2009), pp. 352-366.
- Zohar Manna, Michael A. Col'on, Bernd Finkbeiner, Henny B. Sipma, Tom'as E. Uribe,Abstraction and Modular Verification of Infinite-State Reactive Systems, In Requirements Targeting Software and Systems Engineering (RTSE), LNCS (1998)
- Sylvain Hallé, Roger Villemaire, Omar Cherkaoui, Jérôme Tremblay, Boubker Ghandour,Extending Model Checking to Data-Aware Temporal Properties of Web Services, Web Services and Formal Methods (2008), pp. 31-45.
- Sylvain Halle, Roger Villemaire,Runtime Monitoring of Message-Based Workflows with Data, In EDOC '08: Proceedings of the 2008 12th International IEEE Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (2008), pp. 63-72.
- E. Chang, Z. Manna, A. Pnueli, Compositional verification of real-time systems,Logic in Computer Science, 1994. LICS '94. Proceedings., Symposium on In Logic in Computer Science, 1994. LICS '94. Proceedings., Symposium on (7 July 1994), pp. 458-465.
- Bin Chen, George S. Avrunin, Elizabeth A. Henneman, Lori A. Clarke, Leon J. Osterweil, Philip L. Henneman,Analyzing medical processes, In ICSE '08: Proceedings of the 30th international conference on Software engineering (2008), pp. 623-632.
- N. Benes, I. Cerna, J. Sochor, P. Varekova, B. Zimmerova, A Case Study in Parallel Verification of Component-Based Systems, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 220, No. 2. (11 December 2008), pp. 67-83.
- Paolo Terenziani, Luca Anselma,Temporal reasoning about composite and/or periodic events, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 18, No. 1. (March 2006), pp. 87-115.
- Rajeev Alur, Marcelo Arenas, Pablo Barcelo, Kousha Etessami, Neil Immerman, Leonid LibkinFirst-Order and Temporal Logics for Nested Words, In LICS '07: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (2007), pp. 151-160.
- Rafael H. Bordini, Michael Fisher, Carmen Pardavila, Michael Wooldridge, Model checking agentspeak, In AAMAS '03: Proceedings of the second international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems (2003), pp. 409-416.
- Jing Li, Huibiao Zhu, Jifeng He,Specifying and Verifying Web Transactions, Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems – FORTE 2008 (2008), pp. 149-168.
- Gerard J. Holzmann, Dragan Bosnacki,The Design of a Multicore Extension of the SPIN Model Checker, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 33, No. 10. (2007), pp. 659-674.
- Lotfi A. Zadeh edited by Mircea, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain,Web Intelligence, World Knowledge and Fuzzy Logic - The Concept of Web IQ (WIQ), In Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 8th International Conference, KES 2004, Vol. 3213 (2004), pp. 1-5.
- Lotfi A. Zadeh,Precisiated natural language (PNL),AI Mag., Vol. 25, No. 3. (2004), pp. 74-91.
- Lars Ehrler, Martin Fleurke, Maryam Purvis, Bastin Savarimuthu,Agent-based workflow management systems (WfMSs), Information Systems and E-Business Management, Vol. 4, No. 1. (1 January 2006), pp. 5-23.
- Sara Gradara, Antonella Santone, Gigliola Vaglini, Maria L. Villani,Modular formal verification of specifications of concurrent systems,Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, Vol. 18, No. 1. (2008), pp. 5-28.
- Richmond H. Thomason edited by Anthony G. Cohn, Fausto Giunchiglia, Bart Selman,Desires and Defaults: A Framework for Planning with Inferred Goals, In KR2000: Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (2000), pp. 702-713.
- He Jifeng, Zhiming Liu, Xiaoshan Li, Shengchao Qin,A Relational Model for Object-Oriented Designs, Programming Languages and Systems (2004), pp. 415-436.
- Jifeng He, Xiaoshan Li, Zhiming Liu,A Theory of Reactive Components, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS 2005), Vol. 160 (August 2006), pp. 173-195.
- Maryam Purvis, Bastin T. Savarimuthu, Martin Purvis,Evaluation of a Multi-agent Based Workflow Management System Modeled Using Coloured Petri Nets, Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (2005), pp. 206-216.
- Eyal Oren, Armin Haller,Formal Frameworks for Workflow Modelling, DERI Technical Report (April 2005)
- Ziyang Duan, Arthur Bernstein, Philip Lewis, Shiyong Lu,A model for abstract process specification, verification and composition, In ICSOC '04: Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Service oriented computing (2004), pp. 232-241.
- Wil van der Aalst, Marlon Dumas, Florian Gottschalk, Ter, Marcello La Rosa, Jan Mendling,Correctness-Preserving Configuration of Business Process Models,Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (2008), pp. 46-61.